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Notice of Proposed Action to Fix or Increase Fees, Rates, Tolls, Penalties or Charges for Domestic Water or Sanitary Sewer, November 18, 2022

Location: Alice School House/Virtual meeting attendance information is posted at least                       24- hours prior to the meeting at:

Address: 271 Silver Creek Road, Idaho Springs, Colorado 80452


NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING AND CONSIDERATION OF FEE INCREASES AND THE ADOPTION OF NEW FEES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the ST. MARY'S GLACIER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT, of County of Clear Creek, State of Colorado, will hold a special meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 21, 2022, at the 271 Silver Creek Road, Idaho Springs, CO. The meeting will also be available by Zoom Meeting ID: 844 2631 9385; Passcode: 416919; telephone (877) 853-5247. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Board of Directors for the St. Mary's Glacier Water & Sanitation District may consider at such meeting the adoption and increase of fees, rates, tolls, penalties, or charges related to domestic water/wastewater services and the availability of such services. The meeting is open to the Public. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ST. MARY'S GLACIER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT BY:/s/ SETER 7 VANDER WALL, P.C. Attorneys for the District.

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